Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Praying the Heart of God

Been wanting to blog this for a while. But didn't have the time to do so ... Finally !!!

Have you been in that special moment when God reveals his heart to you?

And as he reveals his heart to you - you begin to experience the grieve, the joy and every other emotions that just flows into your heart .

The feelings and emotions though overwhelming and heavy yet an unexplainable joy bubbles forth in your heart. You begin seeing how God view this one thing or person. The great love he has and why he chose to die on the cross for this one person.

Prayer no longer seems just to be an utterance of words, requests and the things I want. But it becomes a divine connection and communication with your ABBA Father. The perspective no longer seems skin deep and your view of things and people just expands beyond any mortal's understanding.

The freshness that the refreshment brings just cause you to want more and more of this experience. It drives you forward wanting to have these special encounters with God more and helps you desire him more and more.


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